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Addressing a Global Concern

COI Energy makes the world more energy efficient by improving building energy performance and grid optimization.

The state of energy consumption in the world now is dangerous and expensive. Energy waste from buildings alone in the U.S. results in over 300 million metric tons of carbon emitted into the environment and $55B thrown out the window every year. That's equivalent to having over 70 million cars on the road. Global warming poses considerable threats in the near future.


COI Energy acknowledges the need to decrease our emissions by 45% to reduce temperature changes.


Breakthrough in Technology

They solve energy waste using Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Blockchain enabled technology to make the world more energy efficient.


The OptimizeDR™ module helps customers monetize their energy assets by enabling flexible energy resources behind the meter to support the electric grid. It also helps utilities optimize grid performance by utilizing behind the meter flexible resources to address unexpected emergencies, daily balancing and resource planning.


The OptimizeEE™ module helps utilities to more easily claim energy efficiency upgrades, measure and verify program performance, and identify targeted marketing opportunities.



The OptimizeRE™ module helps utilities to effectively manage their renewable energy portfolio by providing real-time tracking of imports/exports, Renewable Energy Credits(RECs) trading, and processing of transaction fees in an online marketplace.


SaLisa L. Berrien

CEO and Founder

SaLisa has over 25 years of experience in the electric power and smart grid space. From working in vertically integrated utilities (PP&L and PECO Energy) prior to deregulation to ConEdison Solutions a deregulated energy services company, and then on to Smart Grid, Clean Tech, Big Data Analytics, and SaaS Solutions. She holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and an Executive MBA from Saint Joseph's University.

Company Background

COI Energy Services was founded in 2016 by SaLisa L. Berrien. COI offers innovative technology solutions to electric utility companies that helps improve the energy performance of its small to medium businesses, industrial, and commercial clients.


Their solutions focus on eliminating energy waste by optimizing energy behaviors with the ability to monetize energy assets for use with Demand Response, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy markets.


COI is a technology and vendor agnostic firm that is focused on the success of its clients. Their goal is help their clients capitalize on their excess energy capacity by providing a platform to buy and sell capacity, improve the energy performance of its buildings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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12 Woodlands Square,

Woods Square Tower 1,


Singapore 737715

2021 © Super Six Investment

Registration No.: 202002233C

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