What We Do
What Our Logo Symbolises

The Super Six Investment logo is made up of a blue arc on the top and a yellowish brown arc at the bottom. The blue arc symbolises the limitless sky, where our success knows no boundaries. The yellowish brown arc symbolises the fertilised soil, providing the right amount of nutrients for the tree to flourish. Therefore, Super Six Investment acts as this fertilised soil. The double lines in between the two arcs represent the earth’s gateways between East and West.
The tree in the middle shows fruits of our labour. The tree has a combination of yellow, brown and green leaves and a brown bark. This shows that the tree will only flourish when proper care is given. The green leaves reflect coolness and level-headedness. This is a necessary behaviour to project when handling challenges and obstacles. Some leaves have shades of brown and yellow to represent growth, development and adaptability of Super Six Investment. The roots of the tree anchor the tree firmly to the ground and the roots will spread as much as possible to get all the nutrients the tree requires. The roots of the tree symbolises Super Six Investment staying humble and grounded no matter how great the amount of success it will have.

"We commit to responsible and sustainable investing that address United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.”

“We aim to uplift the lives and livelihood of all humans in a sustainable world.”
Core Values

We work in a well-organised and competent way to achieve maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

We constantly seek to improve the quality of our services.

We take honesty and strong moral principles as the basis of any relationship we have.

We are committed to act on United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

We believe in having the foresight because what we act on today will impact tomorrow.

With unity, there is strength. We unite and partner with the rest of the world for the betterment of Mother Earth and humanity.

Creativity unblocks old patterns or habits of thinking and allows for non-linear thinking. It gives room to address old problems with new solutions.

We align our ideas to address the world's climate crisis.

Consistency helps build momentum. It will lead to progress which speeds up the achievement of our goals.